
Learn more about Take 5!

A 2-page document that provides a brief overview of Take 5!, ideal for sharing with others: Take 5! A Hands-On Approach to Social-Emotional Learning

10 Key Questions and 10 Key Messages begins with a provocative proposition: What if students had a practical tool for social and emotional learning - a tool that is with them 24 hours a day?

Take 5! ... So All Kids Can Thrive! goes a little deeper, describing how Take 5! is rooted in Dr. Dan Siegel's innovative work with Interpersonal Neurobiology, and in Dr. Marsha Linehan's ground-breaking Dialectical Behavior Therapy, a rigorously-researched and evidence-based modality that stresses very practical skills that help to foster mental wellness and resilience in children, youth, and the adults that support them.

Take 5! Starter Kit Sampler offers an overview of the Take 5! approach, along with some sample activities for engaging students in early childhood settings and in elementary classrooms:

A 4-page document that introduces Take 5! as a practical tool for responding to trauma and ACEs: Take 5! for Trauma and ACEs

Take 5! and Transformative SEL is a brief backgrounder that explains how Take 5! Self-Reg Asset-Building contributes to emerging SEL objectives related to equity and social justice.

Take 5! offers educators a sequential and flexible approach to social and emotional learning. Here's the Scope and Sequence Handout.

two hands