Professional Development


All professional development training sessions are offered in-person and / or via ZOOM.

Now that we can once again consider gathering together in groups, we are happy to offer in-person training in your home community. We will also continue to offer on-line training as well, with Zoom as a reliable platform. With a range of flexible options, our objective is to continue to serve educators and other professionals who want to learn more about Take 5! and how it can support and enhance their work with children, youth, and families.

“This was by far the most engaging and valuable conference I have attended via Zoom. The flow of the conference, shifting delivery, large group feedback and breakout rooms made it easy to be on Zoom for 2 days. There was always a lot of time to taste, examine and experience the tools and it did not feel rushed or like it was dragging on. The topic is first and forefront in the work that I do with children and families. The information provided pulled together many helpful resources and approaches and it reignited the passion within myself and has refocused my energy to ‘Knowing, Growing and Flowing' the 5 assets with the individuals I work with. I appreciate walking away with many new tools and a user-friendly framework to reference.”

Participant in the Take 5! to Thrive on-line training session sponsored by NANA in Prince George, British Columbia

TAKE 5! FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:                                                                                                                          Take 5! Institute offers training and ongoing support for individuals and organizations that work with children, youth, and families in diverse settings, including classroom teachers, counselors and administrators, child and youth workers, early childhood educators, mental health professionals and social service providers, as well as those supporting youth who are engaged with the justice system.

With an initial training workshop, you’re ready to begin introducing Take 5! to the young people in your classroom or other community setting, and to share challenges, successes and insights with your colleagues. There’s no need for certification, nor a need to invest in additional curricular resources. All that’s needed is a commitment to learn, and to share that learning with the people in your circle of influence.

Take 5! Training Opportunities: Find the Right Fit for Your Team 

Take 5! Institute offers diverse ways to learn about the Take 5! approach, and put it into practice with children of any age:

1.     Take 5! Self-Reg Asset-Building: Getting Started                                                                                                   6 hours

This training prepares educators and other professionals to introduce Take 5! in classrooms and other community settings, and to integrate Take 5! with everyday social and emotional learning (SEL) activities.

Takeaway resources include:

a)  Take 5! A Practical Primer - an in-depth introduction to the core Take 5! assets, as well as the principles and hands-on practices that guide Take 5! Self-Reg Asset-Building.

b)  Take 5! Starter Kit - a user-friendly resource featuring practical tools and learning activities that help to grow the five self-reg assets: BE HERE, BE WITH, BE CALM, BE STRONG and BE CHANGE.

c)  Self-Compassion Activity Guide - a companion to the Take 5! Starter Kit, full of fun and engaging activities for kids of all ages.

d)  META-Compassion Activity Guide - growing our compassion for I, We and World.


2.      Take 5! to Thrive ... even when life brings adversity                                                                                               12 hours

This comprehensive and interactive training introduces the basic foundations and activities of Take 5!, as an easy-to-learn and easy-to-teach resource that integrates trauma-responsive practice with everyday social and emotional learning (SEL). As a participant in this training session, you will:

    • Learn the basics of Take 5! Self-Reg Asset-Building;
    • Practice working with tools and activities to the kids you work with;
    • Explore ways to integrate the Take 5! approach with other resources in your SEL and trauma-responsive practices toolkit.

Takeaway resources include:

a)  Take 5! A Practical Primer - an in-depth introduction to the core Take 5! assets, as well as the principles and hands-on practices that guide Take   5! Self-Reg Asset-Building.

b)  Take 5! Starter Kit - a user-friendly resource featuring practical tools and learning activities that help to grow the five self-reg assets: BE HERE, BE WITH, BE CALM, BE STRONG and BE CHANGE.

c)  Self-Compassion Activity Guide - a companion to the Take 5! Starter Kit, full of fun and engaging activities for kids of all ages.

d)  META-Compassion Activity Guide - growing our compassion for I, We and World.

Working with Take 5! A Practical Primer and the Take 5! Starter Kit, participants gain practical experience with the Take 5! approach. And, with a spacious 2-day window for learning and practice activities, there will be lots of time for discussion and hands-on exploration of Take 5! practices & activities that promote resilience and thriving ... even when life brings adversity.